Inspire Possibilities Brunch 

January 17, 2018 at 11:30 am The Linda, 339 Central Ave. ALBANY, NY 12206 BUY TICKETS

 Inspire Possibilities Brunch 

Presented by:                                                                                Featured Sponsor:


The Inspire Possibilities Brunch is our time to share student accomplishments, acknowledge how the contributions from the Mission Accomplished community influence their success and reveal the vision for the year ahead. This fundraiser is an elegant, entertaining day time event to celebrate, brunch and be inspired!

When: Wednesday, January 17, 2018

Where: The Linda, 339 central Ave. Albany NY

Advertisement Sponsorship Opportunity 

We invite members of the Mission Accomplished community to serve as advertisement sponsors. You will advertise your business or organization in the annual Mission Accomplished magazine. Click here to see the 2017 issue.

Your organization or business will directly impact aspiring young professionals but will offer the opportunity to advertise your organization or business.

Click here to complete the Advertisement Sponsorship form and list of options.  

Thank you for your consideration. Your sponsorship will help us raise the funds that will enable us to deliver quality industry-specific career education and coaching programs for students who are experiencing under/unemployment and are struggling to enter the global job market prepared.




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