Carmen Duncan, MSW

Chief Coach & Founder, Ex Officio Member

Carmen “Coach Carmen” Duncan is a social entrepreneur and the Chief Coach and Founder of Mission Accomplished Transition Services. Carmen established the organization in 2012 with a vision to create a professional and personal development resource that recognizes the potential and power of aspiring young professionals who are millennial students in high school, college and trade school. She joined the journey of social entrepreneurship with a clear agenda to motivate aspiring young professionals to:

  • Define their life’s purpose
  • Take ownership of their life journey
  • Gain a better understanding of their worth and power
  • Discover the inherent valuable skills they will offer to the global workforce
  • Identify and utilize resources to help them meet their goals and connect them to employment
  • Pursue higher education and other meaningful resources that promote them as qualified, skilled career candidates.

Through her leadership Mission Accomplished is able to challenge the status quo and break barriers with and for aspiring young professionals. As the organization grows she is committed to assuring the business model is sustainable and scalable. 1 (518) 207-0209


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